At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Fire and Police Pension Fund held on the 16th day of January 2014, President Chris Willmore presided. The meeting was held at the Pension Office, 6009 John Douglass Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37421.
The meeting convened at 0906 hours with board members Chris Willmore, Jerome Halbert, Shawn O’Kelley, Craig Joel, Brent Goldberg and Less Lee. Attorney Bill Robinson was also present. Mark Coffman and Phillip McClain were excused. President Willmore welcomed Less Lee to the Board.
Motion by Brent Goldberg and seconded by Jerome Halbert to approve the minutes from the January 2, 2014 meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
President Willmore stated that currently a lot of people are wishing to appear before the Board and asked the audience that during future meetings if anyone would like to address the Board during a regular meeting to notify the Pension Office at least 2 days prior to the meeting and be added to the agenda.
Michael Dewayne Davenport appeared before the Board and submitted an application for Job Related Disability.
Fund Attorney Bill Robinson reported that a hearing on the lawsuit by Officer Perry Walden was scheduled for February 3rd. Mr. Robinson also reported that he had contacted the City Attorney’s office regarding the employer contributions to the Pension Fund under the reported agreement to temporarily reinstate former Officers Sean Emmer and Adam Cooley. He stated that the news article was not correct in stating that former Officers Emmer and Cooley have been reinstated, but that a settlement was reached which allows them to retain their POST certification and no employer contributions are due the Fund on behalf of the former Officers.
Motion by Shawn O’Kelley and seconded by Jerome Halbert to approve the following membership changes:
Retired Police Major Charles E. Samples, effective 01/31/2014, died 01/09/2014 (2-412)
Retired Paramedic Edward L. Griffitts III, effective 01/31/2014, died 01/09/2014 (2-411)
Connie Griffitts, surviving spouse and 50% J&S of Edward L. Griffitts, effective 02/01/2014 (2-411)
Paige Samples Church and Brandi Samples, designated co-beneficiaries of Charles E. Samples (2-412)
Connie Griffitts, designated beneficiary of Edward L. Griffitts III (2-411)
The motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Shawn O’Kelley and seconded by Jerome Halbert to pay the bills. Motion carried unanimously.
President Willmore opened the floor for discussion to visitors. Retired Police Officer Johnny Frazier, Retired Fire Captain Darrell Burt, Firefighter Richard Meier, Retired Police Sergeant Kirk Salter, Fire Captain Alfred “Chip” O’Dell, Fire Captain A. Kelly Simmons, Fire Lt. Terry Jones and Retired Fire Captain Melvin McDowell appeared before the Board to ask questions and express their dissatisfaction with the consensus of the Mayor’s Pension Task Force. President Willmore stated that the Board has not received the final recommendation from the Task Force and will not be able to comment at this time, but will schedule meetings with the membership to discuss it once the Board receives it. Master Police Officer Sean O’Brien, President of the Fraternal Order of Police Rock City Lodge stated that the FOP and the International Association of Firefighters voiced the concerns of active and retired Police and Fire to the Task Force and encouraged sworn members to “let the process unfold”, stating that a public Task Force meeting would be announced and held in the near future.
Motion by Shawn O’Kelley and seconded by Brent Goldberg to adjourn at 0957 hours. Motion carried unanimously.
Note: Orientation for Less Lee and 4Q2013 report by Gerber Taylor will be held on February 11, 2014.