For those who could not attend today’s public forums on the Task Force recommendations, here is the presentation outlining the different recommendations and their impact to the pension benefit for Chattanooga Police Officers and Firefighters. The Pension Board will discuss…
Category: Notices and Information
Questions from Members
Question 1: I am not a vested employee with the Pension however this group is the most affected by any change to the pension. How can we justify taking a essentially 3% cut in pay and keep hearing the new…
Requests to Appear Before the Board
FYI: Once the Mayor’s Task Force makes its recommendation to the Fire and Police Pension Board, we will set up open forum discussions with sworn members of the Plan to discuss how proposed changes may impact our members and allow them…
Pension Task Force recommendation
Many have asked questions about the consensus reached by members of the Pension Task Force. We have posted the consensus agreement on our website, which can be downloaded at Chatt Pension Task Force Consensus Agreement 1-8-14 Our actuary, Segal Company, is…