At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Fire and Police Pension Fund Board of Directors held on the 6th day of August 2015, President Chris Willmore presided. The meeting was held at the Pension Office, 6009 John Douglass Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37421.
The meeting convened at 0915 hours with board members Chris Willmore, Mark Coffman, Phillip McClain, Kelly Simmons, and Less Lee. Attorney Bill Robinson was also present. Jerome Halbert joined the meeting at 0925 hours.
Motion by Less Lee and seconded by Mark Coffman to approve the minutes from the July 16, 2015 meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Bill Robinson updated the Board on the progress of the Frazier lawsuit and that stated that depositions of the plaintiffs would occur on August 12-13, 2015.
Motion by Mark Coffman and seconded by Jerome Halbert to approve the following membership changes:
Ida Stephenson, surviving spouse of Retired Assistant Fire Chief Joe Stephenson, effective 7/31/2015, died 7/23/2015 (2-411)
Former Police Sergeant David Allen, vesting with 14 years of service, termination date of 08/06/2015, participation date of 01/27/2001; benefit begins 07/01/2031 (2-415)
Motion carried unanimously.
An open forum for active members was held during the meeting because Board members wanted to hear directly from working participants about any concerns that they have, including frequency and method of communications from the Board. President Willmore opened the floor to any active participant who would like to address the Board. Fire Battalion Chief Jeff Eldridge, Fire Lieutenant Charles Thomason and Firefighter Senior Jack Thompson appeared before the Board to discuss their thoughts regarding retirees on the Board, meeting minutes, and alternate forms of communication. When no other active participant requested to address the Board, President Willmore opened the floor to any member of the audience. Retired Police Lieutenants David Streip and John Bishop, along with retired Police Sergeant Wayne Morris addressed the Board regarding the addition of a retiree(s) to the Board. It was noted that all participants have equal opportunity to attend regular Board meetings. Mr. Willmore thanked everyone for their input and established an advisory committee (members to be announced) to develop recommendations on what level and when retirees or their representatives should be part of the decision-making process of the Board. Mr. Willmore directed Frank Hamilton to produce a newsletter that should go out as soon as practical to include information on the upcoming election; notify members of the advisory committee and solicit participants for the advisory committee; and establish a deadline of September 15, 2015 for members to submit their names to request participation in the committee. The Board will determine the participants of the advisory committee at its annual Directors meeting held on September 23-24, 2015.
Motion by Jerome Halbert and seconded by Phillip McClain to adjourn at 1005 hours. Motion carried unanimously.
Received CARTA Parking Fees for June 2015
Disability hearing for Abdul Swafford is set for 1100 hours on 08/20/2015