At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Fire and Police Pension Fund Board of Directors held on the 20th day of August 2015, Vice President Mark Coffman presided. The meeting was held at the Pension Office, 6009 John Douglass Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37421.
The meeting convened at 0907 hours with board members Mark Coffman, Craig Joel, Jerome Halbert, Kelly Simmons, Brent Goldberg, and Less Lee. Attorney Bill Robinson was also present.
Motion by Jerome Halbert and seconded by Kelly Simmons to approve the minutes from the August 6, 2015 meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Bill Robinson updated the Board on the progress of the Frazier lawsuit and Baker Donelson’s research on licensing fees.
Motion by Brent Goldberg and seconded by Jerome Halbert to approve the following membership changes:
Retired Police Sergeant James T. Williams, effective 08/31/2015, died 08/02/2015 (2-411)
Retired Fire Lieutenant Billy E. Richards, effective 08/31/2015, died 08/08/2015 (2-411)
Former MPO Daniel Anderson, vesting with 16 years of service, termination date of 08/07/2015, adjusted participation date of 11/14/1998, benefit begins 09/01/2026 (2-415)
Police Sergeant Daniel A. Ramsey, with 28 years of service reduced to a 25 year pension rate and a 36 month DROP, adjusted for 100% J&S Option (Felicia Ramsey), effective 09/01/2015; participation date of 07/17/1987, termination date of 08/20/2015 (2-411, 2-418, and 2-422)
Jane Richards, surviving spouse of Billy E. Richards, effective 09/01/2015 (2-411)
Che Williams, designated beneficiary of James T. Williams (2-411)
Jane Richards, designated beneficiary of Billy E. Richards (2-411)
Motion carried unanimously.
The Board reviewed the following candidates regarding eligibility for election to the Board of Directors:
Fire: Lt. Jason Moses; Lt. Chad Rogers; Lt. Charlie Thomason
Police: Sgt. Kevin Akins; Sgt. Shawn Hickey; Sgt. Tommy Meeks
Motion by Craig Joel and seconded by Jerome Halbert to validate the candidates for election ballots. Motion carried unanimously. The Board discussed election hours. Motion by Brent Goldberg and seconded by Jerome Halbert to establish voting hours of 0700 to 1700 hours on September 1, 2015. Motion carried unanimously.
Kelly Simmons asked that the Board update and finalize the Fund Election Policy. The Board discussed the policy and revisions. Motion by Craig Joel and seconded by Less Lee to approve the Election Policy
Motion by Jerome Halbert and seconded by Phillip McClain to adjourn at 1005 hours. Motion carried unanimously.
Disability hearing for Abdul Swafford is set for 1100 hours on 08/20/2015