December 18, 2014 Minutes

At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Fire and Police Pension Fund held on the 18th day of December 2014, President Chris Willmore presided. The meeting was held at the Pension Office, 6009 John Douglass Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37421.

The meeting convened at 0913 hours with board members Chris Willmore, Craig Joel, Mark Coffman, Jerome Halbert, Phillip McClain, Kelly Simmons, Brent Goldberg and Less Lee. Attorney Bill Robinson was also present.

Motion by Less Lee and seconded by Mark Coffman to approve the minutes from the December 4, 2014 meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Sarah A. Rogers, wife and attorney-in-fact for Police Officer Nathan P. Rogers, appeared before the Board on behalf of Nathan Rogers to submit an application for a non-job related disability.

Attorney Robinson provided an update to the Board on the Frazier and Dodd lawsuits.

Motion by Less Lee and seconded by Jerome Halbert to approve the following membership changes:

    • Retired Master Police Officer Danny Willmon, effective 12/31/2014, died 12/15/2014 (2-411)
    • Police Sergeant John A. Carter, with 25 years of service, Single Life Annuity, effective 01/01/2015 ; pension participation date of 12/17/1989 (2-411)
    • Police Officer Charles Mark Shelton, with 25 years of service and a 10 month DROP, adjusted for 75% J&S Option (Gayla S. Massey Shelton), effective 01/01/2015; pension participation date 02/10/1989 (2-411, 2-418 and 2-422)
    • Kathy Willmon, surviving spouse of Danny Wilmon, effective 01/01/2015 (2-411)
    • Kathy Wilmon, designated beneficiary of Danny Wilmon (2-411)

Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Phillip McClain and seconded by Brent Goldberg to adjourn at 0932 hours. Motion carried unanimously.

  • The following recently graduated the Police Academy and became members of the Chattanooga Fire and Police Pension Fund on 12/12/2014: Michael Ampthor, Justin Berry, Rodney Brown, Joshua Creekmur, Trevor Creighton, Joshua Crespo, Matthew Frantom, Donnie Garner, Jr., Dennis Harrison, John Isler, Jr., Nicholas Janow, Brandon Kerley, Joseph Ketron, Jacob Lee, Desmond Logan, Ryan Lynn, Richard McDowell, II, Charles Martin, JaMaael Noble, Marvin Perez, Michael Rhudy, Joseph Sanchez, David Schuerger, Jr., and Nicholas Wright
  • CARTA fees for November 2014 were received

Chris Willmore, President

Craig Joel, Secretary
