At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Fire and Police Pension Fund held on the 5th day of December 2013, President Chris Willmore presided. The meeting was held at the Pension Office, 6009 John Douglass Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37421.
The meeting convened at 0903 hours with board members Chris Willmore, Shawn O’Kelley, Brent Goldberg, Jerome Halbert, Phillip McClain, Mark Coffman, and Craig Joel. Attorney Bill Robinson was also present.
Motion by Shawn O’Kelley and seconded by Jerome Halbert to approve the minutes from the November 21, 2013 meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Rachael Watkins and Maggie Hodges presented Full Media’s November Facebook report. Luke Provenzano gave a brief update on the assets of the Fund. He also noted that pension payments would be issued directly from Charlotte, NC beginning January 1, 2014 provided there are no issues that arise during the transfer.
President Chris Willmore requested that approved minutes be emailed to active members and a link be posted on the Fund’s Facebook page in addition to the minutes already being posted on the Fund’s website.
Motion by Shawn O’Kelley and seconded by Craig Joel to approve the following membership changes:
Retired Police Captain James R. Clemons Jr., effective 11/30/2013, died 11/27/2013 (2-411)
Ella J. Gentry, surviving spouse of James E. Gentry, effective 11/30/2013, died 11/27/2013 (2-411)
Retired Police Lieutenant Larry E. Gann, effective 11/30/2013, died 11/29/2013 (2-411 and 2-422)
Fire Lieutenant Anthony C. Mills, with 26 years of service, reduced to a 25 year pension and a 13 month DROP, effective 11/23/2013, participation date of 10/23/1987 (2-411 and 2-422)
Police Sergeant Michael W. Choquette, with 25 years of service and a 1 month DROP, reduced for 100% Pop-up J&S Option G, effective 11/29/2013, participation date of 10/21/1988 (2-411 and 2-422)
Fire Lieutenant Gary R. Baker, with 26 years of service, reduced to a 25 year pension and a 16 month DROP, effective 11/30/2013, participation date of 07/17/1987 (2-411 and 2-422)
Fire Captain David Jeff Pemberton, with 28 years of service, reduced to a 25 year pension and a 36 month DROP, effective 12/13/2013, participation date of 09/09/1985 (2-411 and 2-422)
Police Lieutenant David R. Frye, with 28 years of service, reduced to a 25 year pension and a 36 month DROP, effective 12/8/2013, participation date of 12/07/1985 (2-411 and 32-422)
Firefighter Stephen R. Cothran, Jr., with 28 years of service, reduced to a 25 year pension and a 36 month DROP, effective 12/13/2013, participation date of 09/09/1985 (2-411 and 2-422)
Fire Lieutenant James G. Jackson, with 28 years of service, reduced to a 25 year pension and a 36 month DROP, effective 12/15/2013, participation date of 12/06/1985 (2-411 and 2-422)
Rosie Pearl Clemons, surviving spouse and 50% J&S of James R. Clemons, Jr., effective 12/01/2013 (2-411)
Fire Captain Leston K. Rorex, with 26 years of service, reduced to a 25 year pension and a 17 month DROP, effective 12/13/2013, participation date of 07/03/1987 (2-411 and 2-422)
Fire Captain Raymond Michael Moore, with 28 years of service, reduced to a 25 year pension and a 36 month DROP, effective 12/7/2013, participation date of 12/6/1985 (2-411 and 2-422)
Senior Firefighter Timothy M. Burke, with 28 years of service, reduced to a 25 year pension and a 36 month DROP, effective 12/13/2013, participation date of 12/6/1985 (2-411 and 2-422)
Fire Captain Richard A. Phillips, with 28 years of service, reduced to a 25 year pension and a 36 month DROP, effective 12/13/2013, participation date of 12/8/1985 (2-411 and 2-422)
Katherine Gann, surviving spouse and 50% J&S of Larry E. Gann, effective 12/1/2013 (2-411)
Former Police Officer Joshua G. Turner, terminated effective 11/21/2013, participation date of 12/27/2006 (2-413)
Former Police Officer Johnny R. Jones, terminated effective 12/4/2013, participation date of 06/24/2011 (2-413)
Rosie Pearl Clemons, designated beneficiary of James R. Clemons, Jr. (2-411)
Katherine Gann, designated beneficiary of Larry E. Gann (2-411)
The motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mark Coffman and seconded by Jerome Halbert to pay the bills. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Phillip McClain and seconded by Brent Goldberg to adjourn at 0926 hours. Motion carried unanimously.