At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Fire and Police Pension Fund held on the 6th day of September 2012, President Terry Knowles presided. The meeting was held at the Pension Office, 6009 John Douglass Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37421.
The meeting convened at 0913 hours with board members Terry Knowles, Chris Willmore, Shawn O’Kelley, Corliss Cooper, Jerome Halbert, Phillip McClain and Ray Ryan. Attorney Bill Robinson was also present.
Terry Knowles reported that he and Corliss Cooper met on Tuesday, September 4, 2012, 1615 hours, at the Pension Office to certify the election results of the uncontested races of Chris Willmore (Fire) and Jerome Halbert (Police) for seats on the Pension Board. Each candidate received four qualifying votes and is thereby placed on the Board of Directors.
President Knowles opened the floor for Board officer nominations. Motion by Corliss Cooper and seconded by Phillip McClain to name Terry Knowles as President. Mr. Knowles passed the gavel to Mr. Willmore. Nominations were closed with no other submissions and the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Willmore passed the gavel to Mr. Knowles. Motion by Shawn O’Kelley and seconded by Corliss Cooper to name Chris Willmore as Vice President. Nominations were closed with no other submissions and the motion carried unanimously. Motion by Chris Willmore and seconded by Shawn O’Kelley to name Phillip McClain as Secretary. Nominations were closed with no other submissions and the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Corliss Cooper and seconded by Chris Willmore to name Terry Knowles, Ray Ryan, Shawn O’Kelley and Lupina Haney to the Board of the Firemen’s and Policemen’s Insurance and Pension Fund Real Estate Holdings, Inc. Motion carried unanimously.
The Board meeting recessed at 0918 hours for the Real Estate Holdings Board to meet and reconvened at 0920 hours.
Motion by Corliss Cooper and seconded by Chris Willmore to approve the minutes from the August 16, 2012 meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Board Attorney Bill Robinson discussed the progress of the lawsuit filed by former Police Officer Roy Grasham related to the Board’s denial of his job related disability claim. The doctor performing the independent medical exam has been deposed by Mr. Grasham’s attorney Brian Hoss. The Board will need to meet and review the deposition, Mr. O’Kelley and Mr. Halbert would be excused from the review since they were not part of the original decision to deny the job related disability claim.
Terry Knowles and Frank Hamilton updated the Board on their meeting with Police Chief Bobby Dodd, Fire Chief Randy Parker, Assistant Police Chief Tommy Kennedy, Assistant Fire Chiefs Lamar Flint and Chris Adams, Donna Kelley and Terri Womac. The meeting focused on the provisions in CCC 2-413, 2-415 and 16-2 regarding repayment of contributions upon being rehired and the maximum hiring age of a candidate’s 40th birthday. Legal questions remain on the City Charter and altering the exceptions to CCC 16-2. The Board tabled the matter until the legal questions are resolved.
Motion by Corliss Cooper and seconded by Chris Willmore to approve the following membership changes:
1) Retired Police Officer Charles C. Quarles effective 08/31/2012, died 08/15/2012
2) Retired Police Sergeant Brenda Hafley, effective 08/31/2012, died 08/25/2012
3) Retired Police Lieutenant David Medley, effective 08/31/2012, died 08/27/2012
1) Virginia I. Quarles, surviving spouse of Charles Quarles effective 09/01/2012 (2-412)
2) Dailphia Davis, surviving spouse of Fire Captain Roulos Davis effective 08/21/2012, line of duty death on 08/20/2012 (2-412)
3) Fire Captain Rictor Craig, retiring with 25 years of service and a 1-month DROP effective 08/22/2012. Participation date of 07/03/1987 (2-411, 2-422)
4) Police Officer Steven L. Jones with 25 years of service and a 2-month DROP effective 08/24/2012. Participation date of 06/19/1987 (2-411, 2-422)
5) Charla K. Hafley, designated J&S beneficiary of Brenda Hafley, effective 09/01/2012 (2-418)
6) Charles E. Hafley, surviving spouse of Brenda Hafley, effective 09/01/2012 (2-411)
7) Regena Ann Medley, designated J&S beneficiary of David Medley, effective 09/01/2012 (2-418)
1) Additional 1% contribution of Roulos Davis to Dailphia Davis (2-423)
1) Virginia I. Quarles, designated beneficiary of Charles Quarles (2-412)
2) Dailphia Davis, designated beneficiary of Roulos Davis (2-412)
3) Janie Fossett, designated beneficiary of Brenda Hafley (2-411)
4) Regena Ann Medley, designated beneficiary of David Medley (2-411)
The motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Ray Ryan and seconded by Shawn O’Kelley to pay the bills. Motion carried unanimously.
Ray Ryan and Phillip McClain volunteered to fill the seats on the Policy Committee vacated by Stan Sewell and Scott Fulgham.
Motion by Corliss Cooper and seconded by Phillip McClain to adjourn at 1009 hours. Motion carried unanimously.
Terry Knowles, President
Phillip McClain, Secretary