September 21, 2016 Annual Meeting Minutes

At the Annually scheduled meeting of the Fire and Police Pension Fund Board of Directors held on the 21st day of September 2016, President Craig Joel presided.  The meeting was held at the Courtyard Marriott, 170 Fourth Ave. North, Nashville, TN, 37219.

The meeting convened at 1405 hours (CST) with board members Craig Joel, Charlie Thomason, Tommy Meeks, Phillip McClain, Mark Coffman, and Vickie Haley. Attorney Bill Robinson was also present.

Attorney Bill Robinson completed the annual review of the Ethics Policy with the Board. The Board will sign an annual certificate of compliance at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting if they have not already completed it.

Katrina Abbott briefly raised the pending item of engaging a Securities Litigation Attorney with Chimicles & Tikellis. The Board discussed securities litigation and its benefits. Motion by Charlie Thomason and seconded by Phillip McClain to engage Chimicles & Tikellis as a second securities litigation monitor. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Charlie Thomason and seconded by Tommy Meeks to adjourn at 1429 hours. Motion carried unanimously.

Craig Joel                            Mark Coffman

President                            Secretary